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size 4.25 mm hook

Red Heart super saver

2-3 198g skeins worsted weight


Basic Shell stitch:

1) ch 3 (counts as 1st hdc), skip 3 ch, 3hdc in nxt, *ch 1, skip 3, 3hdc in nxt* end ch1, [hdc ch1 hdc] in last


2) *ch3,1hdc,* 3hdc in ch 2 space, ch 1 * end ch 1. hdc ch3 turn


repeat rows 1-2  for basic shell pattern


gauge: 26sts x 19 rows = 8x8in square in basic shell stitch


how to make a guage swatch:

ch 28

work in basic shell stitch for 19 rows (8x 8 in square should be made)


Note: I have a slightly looser gauge than most crocheters, please use the inch measurements over the number of stitches if there is a difference.


T = hdc

- = chain


Custom sizing tips: (see diagram below)


I've only made the small size, larger sizes are estimated. For best/custom fit, measure the following


- length from one back hip to the other

-length from hip to beginning of armhole edge

-length from one front hip to middle of chest then add 2 inches (for overlap effect)

-measure armhole






















add 2 inches for overlap


Decreasing tips:

At beginning of row:


ch 1 for turning, sc 3 across, ch 2, 3 hdc in next ch 2 space, continue across in pattern


At end of row:


after last full 3hdc in ch 2 space has been worked, ch 2 and turn, leaving last stitches unworked (omit ch2 hdc in last)


In Middle of row


ch 2, work 1 hdc in 3rd hdc of shell below, (instead of working 3hdc in ch 2 space), ch 2, and work 3hdc in next ch 2 space available


Increasing tips:

At beginning of row:

ch 2 and work and additional hdc in first stitch, ch 2, 3hdc in next ch 2 space, continue working in patt

At end of row:

ch 2, work 2 hdc in last, ch 2, and turn






(make 16, 18, 21 inch chain)


chain (56,59,74)


- work 2 rows in basic shell stitch

-work 1 increase at beginning and end of next row

- continue working even in basic shell stitch for (13, 15, 18 inches, or custom length)


Armhole decrease row:


-using decreasing tips, work one decrease on beg and end of row

repeat armhole decrease row (3, 5, 7) times


-Now continue even until armhole measures (7,9, 12 inches or custom length)

-AT SAME TIME: two inches before final armhole measurement, BO center 2/4 of stitchs, leave 1/4 of your total stitches on

each side for shoulder. Join another ball of yarn, and work shoulder stitches separately for two inches. BO all stitches.

Work 1 row of hdc around all edges.


Left Front:


If usin custom size: divide the number of stitches you chained for back by two and add 3 more.

generic: (chain 31, 33, 40)


- work rows basic shell pattern

Increase row:

- Using increasing tips, work one increase at end of row

-repeat increase row 2 (3, 4) more times

- work even until piece measures (13, 15, 17) inches, or until ready to begin armhole decreases and front decreases

armhole and front decreases are worked


- Armhole decreases:

Using decreasing tips, Work 1 decrease at beginning of row

Front Decreases:

Using decreasing tips, work 1 decrease at end of row


Work a total of (3, 5, 7) armhole decrease rows

work a total of (2, 3, 3) front decrease rows


Continue working even after completing decrease rows until armhole measures (7, 9, 12 inches or custom length). BO

Work 1 row of hdc around all edges. BO.


Right Front

(repeat instructions reverse shaping, making initial increases at beginning of row, and armhole decreases at end of row, and front decreases at beginning of row.) BO. work one row of hdc around all edges. BO.


-Using single crochet on ws side, crochet back and front pieces together.

Sleeves (make 2)

- work one row of sc tightly around armhole edge and decreasing two stitches evenly spaced

- work two inches of basic shell pattern, and the work two decreases evenly spaced

continue working basic shell pattern and decreasing every 2-3 inches (trying on to get desired fit) Until sleeve reaches 0.5 in. above

elbow. BO.


Sleeve border strips (make two)

chain 8

-work 6 sc across

- working in back loops only continue working 6 sc and turning until strip is long enough to fit tightly around elbow/ sleeve circumference. BO. on WS, crochet sleeve strip into a circle (crochet beginning and ending edges together.) Then crochet sleeve strip to end of sleeve . BO.


Finished :)



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